I finally learned how to do short rows, which is basically decreasing your stitches. I think this will also help me out when I start my first pair of socks.
Then I also learned the kitchener stitch, which was grafting the last row to the cast-on row.
We were also doing this as a loom along on the egroup "decoraccentsinc" and Isela made two videos for us to watch to help those who like having something visual to look at.
Now that I'm done I'm going to join my group in the Monthly Loom-a-long on ravelry for August 2008. They are working on the Schooner Socks pattern from Loom Knitters Circle online magazine pg. 19-20. So far I just have the first two rows on my loom done. Plus I ordered the wrong loom (well maybe?), but I ordered the biggest efg sock loom, which is 80 peg and the pattern calls for 64 peg loom instead. But Isela said as long as my loom pegs could be divided by 4, I could adjust the pattern. Then I bought yarn at a yarn store in Des Moines and now I'm worried the owner might have steered me wrong. She said that the skein I bought would make 1 pair of socks (knitted) with enough extra left over to maybe make another sock. I'm just hoping it makes at least the one pair. But I'll tell you more about that next time and maybe have a picture or two to show you.
Sorry I take so long in between blogs...I need to start getting into a routine and at least once a week update my blog site and ravelry. First I'm going to have to figure out how to store pictures for each of these sites, without going over the "free" limit.