Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day has come & gone...

Well Mother's Day has past...but I thought I'd share what a nice day I had!

I got up early with my hubby and we had homemade cinnamon rolls (which I had bought at the Farmer's Market). They were delicious! ;o)

Then when my daughter got up...she wished me a "Happy Mother's Day" and offered me my cute little gift! I just love Teddy Bears! I've enjoyed looking at it...through out the day since then.

Then I got ready and went to church at Cornerstone Church in Chillicothe. They had such a nice service Sunday...besides the uplifting music in the beginning...they recognized the graduating Seniors in the church with a Bible and the Youth Pastor's wife sang a song just for them "I Hope You Dance" and Kaylee D. did a lyrical dance along with it. Stan gave such an uplifting sermon as well about "not worrying"...which I think is hard for all of us mom's not to do...can't seem to help it sometimes, it was called "Faith Mom" (you can listen to the audio if you'd like). Also they took up a special offering for those who are suffering in Myanmer for cyclone relief, you can also give online from their website if you are interested. After church I called hubby to see what I needed to do...he said, "Come home!"

So I had a nice surprise when I got home. Brian had made omelet's for lunch...I just love omelet's...with cheese, tomatoes, green onions and (making me hungry again!), plus we had a little extra crispy bacon and cottage cheese & tomatoes. After lunch my daughter picked up all the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen for me. It was so nice not to have to fix lunch, or clean it up!

I relaxed some in the afternoon...watching TV and knitting on my loom. I finally finished up the scarf and a hat to match it. Here's a picture of it on my styrofoam head. I used the Knifty Knitter pink long loom for the scarf, then the hat I used a homemade loom that Kirk made me that is the same size as the green round Knifty Knitter loom, except my pegs are closer gauge then the Knifty Knitter.

Later in the afternoon our son called and wished me a "Happy Mother's Day" too. Too bad he couldn't come for a visit, but maybe another time. Later that evening dear hubby took me to Applebee's for supper. I had the Shrimp 'N Parmesan Sirloin... I had soo much good food Sunday I was about to bust! ha! ha! What a nice Mother's Day!

Now I'm starting on my third block for the afghan...I'm a little slow, but have been busy other things this week. I using black for my yarn this time, so hopefully it will show the design well...we'll just have to wait and see when I have more of it done.

Happy looming...have a good day! Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day too!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Still trying to keep up on looming projects...

I know, it's been a few weeks again since I've wrote anything. It just seems hard to sit and tell you everything that I think you might be interested in. As you can see I found a cute outfit to go with the bonnet I made. Hopefully it will all fit her! Plus I kind of slowed down some on my looming projects, because I couldn't find supplies! How disappointing it is to go to the local Walmart store and find out they don't have any purse handles, can't find elastic thread, and even sport weight yarn is very limited. I would think that since they now carry the Provo Craft Knifty Knitter looms and accessories/booklets that they would carry more of the actual items you need to do the different projects that they have...not even thinking about the other projects that are out there too.

This last week Isela Phelps announced her new book will be coming out soon, and you could order an advance copy, and she (the author) would sign it for you too. So knowing I just don't hardly have any looming books or patterns (ha! ha! ;o) ) I just had to order myself one. You can check it out on her webpage too if they still have some in stock. The name of the book is: No-Needle - Loom Knitting Pattern Book (38 Easy No-Needle Designs For All Loom Knitters). This is a follow-up to her wonderful "Loom Knitting Primer". Then I continued to look at her new updated website and noticed that they are now selling the keepsake looms (which is a small loom/keychain they had originally made for a big craft show they went to earlier this spring), many of us loomers begged them to make more and sell them! So I guess they listened to their customers...again.

As you know I finally finished looming my Aspen Baguette, but until this weekend I hadn't been able to find purse handles to finish the project up. Luckily dh decided we needed to look for parts in the we ended up going and spending the night. Unfortunately we called and went to several places looking for a gasket for his truck, but never was able to find the right one. At least he was able to get one on order by as soon as he got everything back together he has been in the field trying to get caught up. But he was so nice and took me to a couple of craft stores, where I finally found some purse handles and some sock/sport weight yarn. But wouldn't you know it, I forgot to look for the elastic maybe next time. Plus I got some quarter print pieces of cloth for my liner...and if I measured right they should work and maybe even be a little more then I need, but for a $1.49 each I thought I would try them. I am not much on we'll see if my sewing machine will let me sew up a liner for my bag.

I've decided if I can get this pattern and liner, etc... down good---I can then make some more in different colors for friends/family for gifts. Or at least some of the other patterns I have for purses will be easier to follow, now that I've learned how to do cables.

I also finished up the 2nd block for the Afghan Project 2008. It is a basket-weave design, and really shows up well with a solid color. It is also made with the red round Knifty Knitter (31 pegs) loom, and you work the project as a flat knit, instead of working in the round. I now need to get caught up and do the 3rd block...before they start the next block!!! I think part of the reason I keep dragging my feet is I can't decided which yarn to use, or what color...I have to "think" about it too much. I had originally thought I would just use yarn from my scrap basket, but I'm little unsure when I pick up one of my balls of yarn if I have enough to make the square. Plus you need to use 2 strands of worsted weight yarn and it's easier to just use a skein...pulling from both ends instead of finding two balls the same color. (sometimes I only have one ball of a color). was pretty loose and I made the miI also have been making a new scarf for my daughter...since she got the first scarf I everstake of using different types of yarn together. Or maybe it just doesn't hold up well in so many washings. I'm using the pink long Knifty Knitter loom/board and doing the Ponto 1 stitch, which you can find at Analu Tear Manual. I took a picture today, I just finished one skein of the Red Heart Super Saver yarn - Zebra is the color. It is a variegated black/grays and white. I don't know if she has decided on fringe yet or just leaving it plain at the end. This is a very easy stitch to work on the board looms...and as you can see it gives a nice even type of garter stitch. I think the scarf will take almost 2 skeins, to get the longer length that she I still have a little way to go yet, before it's finished.