I got up early with my hubby and we had homemade cinnamon rolls (which I had bought at the Farmer's Market). They were delicious! ;o)
Then when my daughter got up...she wished me a "Happy Mother's Day" and offered me my cute little gift! I just love Teddy Bears! I've enjoyed looking at it...through out the day since then.
Then I got ready and went to church at Cornerstone Church in Chillicothe. They had such a nice service Sunday...besides the uplifting music in the beginning...they recognized the graduating Seniors in the church with a Bible and the Youth Pastor's wife sang a song just for them "I Hope You Dance" and Kaylee D. did a lyrical dance along with it. Stan gave such an uplifting sermon as well about "not worrying"...which I think is hard for all of us mom's not to do...can't seem to help it sometimes, it was called "Faith Mom" (you can listen to the audio if you'd like). Also they took up a special offering for those who are suffering in Myanmer for cyclone relief, you can also give online from their website if you are interested. After church I called hubby to see what I needed to do...he said, "Come home!"
So I had a nice surprise when I got home. Brian had made omelet's for lunch...I just love omelet's...with cheese, tomatoes, green onions and bacon...yum..mm..mm (making me hungry again!), plus we had a little extra crispy bacon and cottage cheese & tomatoes. After lunch my daughter picked up all the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen for me. It was so nice not to have to fix lunch, or clean it up!
I relaxed some
Later in the afternoon our son called and wished me a "Happy Mother's Day" too. Too bad he couldn't come for a visit, but maybe another time. Later that evening dear hubby took me to Applebee's for supper. I had the Shrimp 'N Parmesan Sirloin...

Now I'm starting on my third block for the afghan...I'm a little slow, but have been busy other things this week. I using black for my yarn this time, so hopefully it will show the design well...we'll just have to wait and see when I have more of it done.
Happy looming...have a good day! Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day too!
Glad you had such a nice day. My guys took me to El Nopal for lunch. Bill and I took a mule ride in the afternoon. Kody did wish me a "Happy Mothers Day" when he got home from milking that evening. Karson had made a card and stuck it in my SS lesson book for me to find later. Talk to you later.
Sounds like you had a good day too! Maybe sometime after your busy weekend we can get together and have a girls day out! Still planning on Saturday morning though...let me know if you need anything.
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