Sunday, July 27, 2008

Well I'm going to try and join in on the blogiversary for Bethany's blog at this is her first year anniversary for her blog! And I want to invited you to join her too...if you do, please leave my name (JackieA) on her comments so she'll know that you came because I invited you.

I have not only enjoyed reading her blog, but also many of her creative patterns that she has for sale and FREE for the knitting looms. Bethany does a great job explaining how to do the projects and if you are on her eloop on yahoo you can also join in on the loom-alongs with some of her patterns too!

Right now I am working on the arm chair caddy pattern and have finished the first 1/2 of it. It has been a little challenging...but seems to be working up good. Also this weekend I stocked up on yarn for the Braided Cable's Bag and the Spa Set which I hope to get started soon. She'll be doing the Spa Set next for her loom-along project, just in case you want to join in with the group.

Bethany has asked those of us who have blogs to do a little questionnaire and put it on our blog...with our answers (of course). Anyway I guess I'll give it a try...although I think some of these questions might need a longer answer then what I have time for tonight! You can also do this too on your blog or if you don't have one leave it in her comments. If you have a blog, let her know where to look for your answers and don't forget...I invited you to her P-A-R-T-Y! OH, before I forget she has PRIZES to GIVE-A-WAY if you are a participant.

So...let's party with Bethany! Here are the questions, I'll try to put my answers in a different colored font (but if it doesn't work...don't forget I'm still a newbie when it comes to blogging).

  1. What was your age when you first discovered your love of yarn? What (or who) was it that introduced you to all that fibery goodness? I learned to knit when I was 9 yrs. old, but didn't stay with it too long. I made a few slippers then, that's about all though. Then when I had my first child I got a chance to join Master Yarn Council class on crocheting. At the time I didn't know how to crochet, and I was supposed to know all of the basic stitches, but I was lucky and had a very patient and caring teacher who let me join & learn anyway. So I've crocheted gifts, when I have had time for the last 20+ years. In October of 2006 I bought my first set of Knifty Knitter Round Looms and since then I have been "hooked on looming". I just love it!!!
  2. If you could sit down with anyone in the world to have a little knit along, who would it be? I wish I could sit with my friends and family (and my internet friends as well)! So far my friends and family that are nearby like my craft and admire my work and enjoy any gifts they might receive, but none of them have been interested enough to start learning to loom too. I think it would be fun to be able to get together with someone and loom...once a week...or once a month. Just sharing in the craft together!
  3. What is your favorite comfy place or position in which to work with yarn? We have a sectional couch that has a chaise lounge on one end...I like to sit with my feet up and my yarn and project all spread out.
  4. Like our heroin in the story below, do you ever dream about soft fuzzy goodness? Or how to do a particular technique you’d never thought of while awake? I've dreamed before that I won some contest and didn't know what my winnings were going to be. Then the next thing I knew...a bunch of people showed up in my house (like DIY network) and they made me my own craft room...all organized and stocked for my two favorite crafts...Loom Knitting and Scrapbooking! I was in seventh heaven...and all the yarn was included for any project that I had saved on my computer.
  5. What type of loomer/knitter/crocheter are you? Loomer -- Intermediate/ Knitter--Beginner/ Crocheter--Adv. Beginner Do you like long involved projects, or quickies full of fast satisfaction?A little of both. I love making afghans and seeing the completed project and thanks for the gift afterwards. But I also enjoy making quickies, especially when you want to make something for a friend or family, but you don't have alot of time to do it.
  6. Have you ever guiltily postponed dinner due to your involvement with a project? Isn't that what happens when you get involved with crafts?
  7. What is your ultimate goal in your yarn life? I would like to be able to give friends and family all gifts made by me at the same time....not years or months apart!
  8. Do you have a favorite snack you like to munch while working with yarn? If I have some...I like M & M's (plain or peanut)...yum!
  9. What is your all time most favorite yarn tool/accessory that you absolutely could not live without? My blue handled pick that dh bought for me in the tool section.
  10. What is your favorite movie? It's hard to pick a favorite...I love all kinds of movies, just watched "Last Holiday" with Queen Latifah (sp) and it's one of my favorite that she is in...showing we CAN do it...
  11. What is your favorite book as an adult Like movies I LOVE BOOKS! I love all kinds of mystery books: The Cat Who...books/ Cookie Mysteries/Agathe Christie, etc... …and what was yours as a child? I've always loved to read I liked many books when I was younger: Myth's about Ancient Gods/Sherlock Holmes/ Edgar Allen Poe/ Little House on the Prairie, etc...
  12. What are you working on right now with your yarn? Right now I'm working on Bethany's pattern for the Arm Chair Caddy, I'm about 1/2 done.
  13. Is there a special project that you’ve been just dying for someone (or yourself) to design? So far there is nothing else I can think of...the possibilities of all the patterns that are already are out there from Bethany, Isela, Robin, Graciea, etc... I can't keep up with what I'd like to do now! There is always a new pattern...that I want to do it too! ;o)
  14. Did someone invite you to join in on the party today? Bethany, herself invited me to join her I didn't want to miss out! Happy Blogiversary Bethany at on your FIRST YEAR!
Well Bethany I hope you and others enjoyed my made me think too much for the end of the day. Especially since I've been out of town and just got home! Hope you had a fun day!

1 comment:

Bethany @ Gettin' It Pegged! said...

Jackie, I've so enjoyed reading your comments!!! And yes, I have had the most fun party EVER! Everyone has made my first blogiversary the most special day in a long time. :D Thanks so much for participating, and for inviting others to join've got 2 points from that already!

From reading your comments, I realize we are very much alike in a lot of ways...our love of looming came after crochet at a very young age, we both love M&Ms (peanut are my favorite!), I have always loved reading mysteries (Sherlock Holmes is one of my favorite detectives...I own an antique complete collection of all of his adventures!), and we both share the desire to actually be able to knit up something for everyone as a gift, given all at the same time! Hopefully the current focus on organization at the Loom Knitter's Clique will help us both. ;)

Take Care!