Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I know I've been absent this year...

Hi all...I hope you have had a good year in 2009 and are getting ready for a wonderful year in 2010! I apoligize for being absent all year...it's not that I haven't had several things to blog about, it's just making myself sit down long enough to put down my words and load my pictures. But that's my New Year's resolution...to start updating you more on what is going on.

I have pictures of several projects that I have made this year and want to show them all to you, so the next few weeks I will start adding those in. I also have been trying to figure out ways to store my looms and my scrapbooking supplies and I will show you some of that as well.

I will be giving my second "talk" or "demonstration" on Loom Knitting in January at the local "Girlfriends meeting. So I may practice some of it on you ahead of time and see what you think...you can send comments or suggestions to me.

It's very cold here and snow is on the ground everywhere. Luckily they do have the highways clear and most of the local streets in the town nearby...so I have been able to get out and around where I needed to.

Happy Looming everyone...I'll start some pictures tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sorry...been way to busy with family & holidays

Hi all...
I really need to catch everyone up on what we've been doing the last month. But even now I really don't have the time. Although I will try and make time soon and put several of our pictures on my page as well. I was able to finish up a few of my looming projects for Christmas, so I will tell you more with my pictures, hopefully sometime this week.

Right now I've been trying to get caught up on the many emails that I have missed on several of the email loops that I'm on. One of them had a very interesting link to helping with frogging a project. They called it their "Lifeline" or rather insurance for knitter's. While I haven't used it yet, it sounds like it would work out pretty good on the loom as well. Here is the link for the site: Lifeline on Heartstrings FiberArts. I'm printing it out for future reference and also bookmarking it...maybe you should too. Anyway it sounds like it would be better then ripping everything out.

Have a great day and don't give up on me...I'll update everyone soon.