I forgot to tell you about the new promotion that Knifty Knitter from Provo Craft has released just this last month in December of 2009. You can purchase their new "kit" which has the flower loom, the red round loom, the green round loom, pink long loom (10 inch), finishing needle, knitting hook tool, project booklet and a FREE Project DVD (which is only available with this offer so far) for $19.99 + s & h. If you click on this picture you can go to their website and watch their infomercial and read all about it. I've ordered one...don't know why, except I want to have the DVD! I already have the looms, but you never know when you might need an extra one or two. LOL After all sometimes I have 3 or 4 projects going at one time...and more then one need the same loom...that's when an extra one is called for! It's supposed to take 4 to 6 weeks to get here by regular shipping (although you could pay a little more and get it faster if you want), so I'm patiently waiting to look it over.
Some of our wonderful looming ladies got asked to be in the infomercial and also have been the author's of some of the patterns offered on the DVD. Isela Phelps, Bethany Dailey, Jenny Stark, and Shannon Erling, all got to help with this project. Isela & Bethany tell all about it on their own blogs "Purling Sprite" and "GettingItPegged" (which you can find their links here on the right of my blog). Once I get mine, I will give you a little more detail about what the DVD holds, and what I think about it.
So if you don't already have your own looms yet, this would be a good time to get some! Especially now that they are including a DVD with it! I'm hoping that some of my friends will become more interested...so we can loom together! Until then...I still have alot of "loomy" friends from the internet. And oh...the projects they all make! There are so many to choose from it can just make your head spin on which one to make next. I suggest for those who are new to looming to start with hats and then scarves...then start venturing out from there.
Today was another cold day, starting off with a little bit of snow again. It's 8 degrees now this evening around 10 p.m., but they say it could get down to -12 to -17 degrees overnight. Brrrr! I guess we better bundle up good with some extra blankets! I've been keeping the laundry and dishwasher busy today, just in case the freeze would freeze up our pipes!
Well, it's getting late and tomorrow will be another busy day. Have a good week and Happy Looming!
Hi, Jackie! :D So glad to see you on your bloggie again.
I'm excited to hear what you think of the DVD when you get it, as I haven't seen it yet either, lol! I only know how long it took to film my part and all the behind the scenes "makings of". ;)
Your hubby is a lucky guy...I'd love to get a kitchen aide. I guess you are lucky too, if you're going to be getting lots of home cooking as a result, lol!
Thanks Bethany...I'll be sure and let you know. I can't believe that you didn't get an advanced copy though! :o(
DH can be so funny...he's been wanting to get one of those mixers for years! Don't know why, but he does like to cook every so often. Maybe we'll try out some new recipes!
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