Sunday, March 16, 2008

Getting a little more looming done this weekend...

This weekend I decided I really needed to start something on some of my new looms. My neighbor made me a wonderful adjustable loom with the fine gauge (1/4") and used cotter pins for my pegs. I have been looking forward to trying the fine gauge, but wondered if I'd like it because it will take longer to make something. So I decided I would try to make a dishcloth, which was on the Loomin Dishcloths group on Ravelry for February as a loom along. So here are some pictures of my work-in-progress. I am on row I'm almost done!

I want to thank Stephanie McElheran for the very pretty pattern! Plus she did a nice job with her instructions they have been fairly easy to follow. I have also found that the more rows I work, the easier the knit and purl stitch (like Isela has us do, not the e-wrap). Plus it does make a nice tighter stitch. The dishcloth called for the following materials: fine gauge loom or dishcloth rake with a minimum of 38 pegs; approx. 200 yds. 100% cotton worsted weight yarn and then of course yarn needle, scissors and a crochet hook. I used Peaches & Creme that I bought at Walmart, it has approx. 122 yds. per skein, so far I'm still on the first ball.

Well...I just wanted to share what I had done so far. Hopefully I can finish it up in the morning! I already have plans to start some other projects on some of my other looms, just trying to decide which ones to do first. Happy Looming!


Anonymous said...

Looks great Jackie!!!!


Anonymous said...

I love this! It looks awesome! Great job. :)