Tuesday, March 4, 2008

New to the Blogging Community

Hello everyone...
I have decided to try my hand at blogging. I love to do crafts, so that's why the name for my blog. Right now I am mostly working with the knitting looms, rakes and boards. I made LOTS of hats at first, but several months ago I started learning how to make other things as well. It's amazing the ladies that are out there...that have patterns for almost anything you can think of, and they are willing to share their talents with others.

I am still learning new things and wishing for more time. I hope to share some of my pictures of the things I've made so far and projects that I will be working on in the future.

I also like to scrapbook, but haven't seemed to find the time lately. But hope to start working on pages again sometime soon.

Well...I need to quit for now...household chores keep calling! Thanks for looking my blog over.


Kathy N said...

Welcome to blog-land! Those pesky household chores do interfere with fun, eh? ;-)

Deeners said...

Welcome to blogging. Your shawls are beautiful. I use my blog as a great tool for keeping in touch with family and friends, keeping track of all my crafts I'm doing (I love scrapbooking too, when I'm not makeing something with yarn). Blogger makes it pretty simple to keep a basic blog but is flexible that you can get creative. It took me a while to figure stuff out.

A friend from the DA Yahoo Group.