Here are some pictures of yesterday...and he's already threatening to put me back in the combine the next time he is able to go to the field. Of course it's going to have to quit raining so much of the time!
Well...believe it or not, I guess I've finally crossed over. Dear hubby got me in the combine this weekend to help him with harvesting corn. Now you need to understand that I'm a "town" girl and really have never "helped" much on the farm and we've almost been married 30 yrs. But since I'm the new hired hand...I've been learning several new things this year. It's kind of stressful driving that big thing...even though I have plenty of room to turn around! (ha! ha!) I guess I didn't do too bad for my first day by myself...at least I was keeping the truck filled enough to keep dear hubby running back & forth to unload. Of course he still managed to get in and ride along with me some...saying he was just getting the end rows for me...but I think he was just trying to keep the rows straight.
I did drive the tractor with the harrow on it earlier, when we were planting beans...I'll have to see if I can find the pictures of me driving the tractor this year too! (another small feat for me!) Unfortunately the rains came and pretty much flooded most of the field that I helped with. Oh well...that's life on a farm, you never can rely on perfect weather...God always ends up wanting to make it a little interesting...instead of easy!
Hopefully this week I can take a little time and catch everyone up on the different projects that I've been working on. Happy Looming everyone!
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