Thursday, April 17, 2008

Signs of Spring....

Finally seeing some signs of spring....I am soooo ready! It seems like it has been a long winter here in Missouri. I am very tired of the cold weather! I look forward to the sunshine...warm weather...and hanging out clothes and bed sheets on the line (that may seem weird, but I love the fresh smell from drying outside).

Now if I just could get in the swing of a full spring cleaning mode! But one thing I need is several days in a row, where it will be nice and warm (no rain or wind storms in the forecast). Then maybe I'd feel a little more perky...these cloudy days just don't seem to get me in the mood.

Of course dear hubby said last night that "someone" should mow the yard soon...I wonder who "someone" is???? Ha! ha!

Well...speaking of work...I probably better get busy with laundry, dishes or something! Too bad the magic cleaning fairy doesn't exist...I'd love for someone to come in a wave their magic wand...or like Samantha on Bewitched used to do...just wiggle her nose. Wouldn't that be great??? Oh well...we can dream can't we? Have a great day!

1 comment:

Kathy N said...

We always say we need a house elf (Harry Potter).