Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Having Spa Fun...
We did enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner with my mom, my mother-in-law and my husband's aunt at Lakeview Restaurant. They had several of the traditional food that you expect like: turkey, dressing, noodles, sweet potatoes, ham, mashed potatoes, rolls. But they also had LOTS of salads, other vegetables, and several desserts too. And Allie had made her wonderful Creme Brulee and Chocolate Brulee...delicious! ;o) But I'm afraid I spent the rest of the afternoon...just vegging (and of course doing laundry) and did a little looming.
I thought I'd let you know that right now I'm a Beauti Control Consultant. So far I haven't had any parties yet...don't know if I will later on down the line or not...we'll see. I first got into this to take advantage of their low cost for their kit and since I was wanting to buy several of the products in the kit I decided to go ahead. Plus I'm also having fun ordering some presents for Christmas time too! ;o) But I want to share with you their great products...if you live close to me, just email me and we can arrange getting your order from me. But if you live far away, you can order online from my beauti webpage...which also helps me out too. The link for my Beauti Control webpage all you need to do is just click here. But I hope my friends know they can give me a call/or email and they can come over and we can have our own mini spa together anytime...you just have to give me a call to make sure I'm home! ha! ha!
I think my favorite product that they have is the Brown Sugar Spa Holiday Set...it just smells wonderful! But I also like the skin care products they have, I am using the Skinlogist Sensitive Skin products and my face looks & feels so soft! The longer I've had the products, the more I use and the more I like. So come over & play! ha! ha!
I want to wish you all Happy Holidays. I hope you all have a good time. I'll try and get some more pictures taken of my projects soon. Until then...
May you remember the true meaning of Christmas....Christ our Lord. May He watch over and take care of you. Share your love of crafts & hobbies with others too...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Fun day in Amish country...
Then Babette also gave me my present...it's a beautiful shawl/scarf made my Natalia. Babette's mom had got one for her and she knew I'd like one too. You can check out her website called Natalia's Knitting she lives in Brookfield now with her husband. And I lucked out,
After lunch we went to a few other shops in the area, primitives, candles & antiques. I seen alot of cute stuff...but need to change our decor before adding anything new (or rather I need to clean out and get rid of stuff).
Anyway...just wanted to tell Babette...thanks again...I just love it. Dear hubby wanted to know why I was so dress up tonight when he came home...he didn't think I needed to dress up just to stay home. ha! ha!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Interesting Anniversary...
We had such a wonderful dinner Saturday night...we walked over from the hotel. Weather was nice too! We started the evening off with one of their famous "Blooming Onions" (you can't go there and not have one). And then we enjoyed a yummy seafood dinner...with Lobster tails, steak, shrimp and scallops...I wish we could eat seafood every day...and afford it! ha! ha! Oh well...anniversaries are just once a year so we need to celebrate a little special.

But all too soon we needed to come back home and start combining corn again. But it went pretty good that night and since it didn't rain on Monday we got finished with that field of corn...which was the last field of corn to do. Hubby ended up moving to his next field of beans and finished the small patches around that area of the farm today. So it looks like I'll be learning how to combine beans next.
I hope you enjoyed my pictures and my "farming wife" experience...ha! ha!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New loom at DecorAccents, check it out!

Wonder Sock Loom
DALooms has something wonderful to share with you! Wonderful news my loomy friends, the Wonder Sock Loom is back and better than before! Lighter weight, beautiful as ever and smooth, just the quality that you expect from a DA loom.
Anyways, a year or so ago Sam introduced the Wonder Sock Loom but he had a heck of a time producing it, at one point due to a mistake, he almost lost his thumb, but he is stubborn, it is one of the Phelps traits, and he persevered and kept searching for new tools and ways to make it possible to make this loom. He succeeded, he found new tooling and materials and the Wonder Sock Loom is back!
Meet the new and improved Wonder Sock Loom: lighter weight, same tight gauge as our sock looms, ei: 18sts and 20 rows=2 inches. Come check it out at DA go to the New products box (right hand bottom corner) or go directly to the Wonder Sock Loom.
So please go check it out and help me out at the same time, because I think it would be neat to win one of these looms. The first way I get an entry is by having their information here on my blog, but you can help me out with the second way...if you will leave a comment on her blog that you heard about their new product from my blog I will receive another entry (so I'd really appreciate you telling Isela & Sam that "JackieA sent you from
Have fun reading through my blog...if you haven't before and Have A Great Day! Plus...thanks ahead of time for helping me out...don't forget to leave a comment so I can get another entry in the contest!
Monday, October 13, 2008
I'm a farmer's wife...

Here are some pictures of yesterday...and he's already threatening to put me back in the combine the next time he is able to go to the field. Of course it's going to have to quit raining so much of the time!
Well...believe it or not, I guess I've finally crossed over. Dear hubby got me in the combine this weekend to help him with harvesting corn. Now you need to understand that I'm a "town" girl and really have never "helped" much on the farm and we've almost been married 30 yrs. But since I'm the new hired hand...I've been learning several new things this year. It's kind of stressful driving that big thing...even though I have plenty of room to turn around! (ha! ha!) I guess I didn't do too bad for my first day by myself...at least I was keeping the truck filled enough to keep dear hubby running back & forth to unload. Of course he still managed to get in and ride along with me some...saying he was just getting the end rows for me...but I think he was just trying to keep the rows straight.
I did drive the tractor with the harrow on it earlier, when we were planting beans...I'll have to see if I can find the pictures of me driving the tractor this year too! (another small feat for me!) Unfortunately the rains came and pretty much flooded most of the field that I helped with. Oh well...that's life on a farm, you never can rely on perfect weather...God always ends up wanting to make it a little interesting...instead of easy!
Hopefully this week I can take a little time and catch everyone up on the different projects that I've been working on. Happy Looming everyone!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Finished Pinwheel Dishcloth!
I finally learned how to do short rows, which is basically decreasing your stitches. I think this will also help me out when I start my first pair of socks.
Then I also learned the kitchener stitch, which was grafting the last row to the cast-on row.
We were also doing this as a loom along on the egroup "decoraccentsinc" and Isela made two videos for us to watch to help those who like having something visual to look at.
Now that I'm done I'm going to join my group in the Monthly Loom-a-long on ravelry for August 2008. They are working on the Schooner Socks pattern from Loom Knitters Circle online magazine pg. 19-20. So far I just have the first two rows on my loom done. Plus I ordered the wrong loom (well maybe?), but I ordered the biggest efg sock loom, which is 80 peg and the pattern calls for 64 peg loom instead. But Isela said as long as my loom pegs could be divided by 4, I could adjust the pattern. Then I bought yarn at a yarn store in Des Moines and now I'm worried the owner might have steered me wrong. She said that the skein I bought would make 1 pair of socks (knitted) with enough extra left over to maybe make another sock. I'm just hoping it makes at least the one pair. But I'll tell you more about that next time and maybe have a picture or two to show you.
Sorry I take so long in between blogs...I need to start getting into a routine and at least once a week update my blog site and ravelry. First I'm going to have to figure out how to store pictures for each of these sites, without going over the "free" limit.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Need the link for the Blogiversary, don't you?!?
This is where you need to go for the Blogiversary...couldn't get the link to load earlier...don't know why. In fact I tried again at the beginning of this post and it still is not showing so you will have to copy and paste it in your url bar and then click go to go there...here it is: http://gettinitpegged.com
I have not only enjoyed reading her blog, but also many of her creative patterns that she has for sale and FREE for the knitting looms. Bethany does a great job explaining how to do the projects and if you are on her eloop on yahoo you can also join in on the loom-alongs with some of her patterns too!
Right now I am working on the arm chair caddy pattern and have finished the first 1/2 of it. It has been a little challenging...but seems to be working up good. Also this weekend I stocked up on yarn for the Braided Cable's Bag and the Spa Set which I hope to get started soon. She'll be doing the Spa Set next for her loom-along project, just in case you want to join in with the group.
Bethany has asked those of us who have blogs to do a little questionnaire and put it on our blog...with our answers (of course). Anyway I guess I'll give it a try...although I think some of these questions might need a longer answer then what I have time for tonight! You can also do this too on your blog or if you don't have one leave it in her comments. If you have a blog, let her know where to look for your answers and don't forget...I invited you to her P-A-R-T-Y! OH, before I forget she has PRIZES to GIVE-A-WAY if you are a participant.
So...let's party with Bethany! Here are the questions, I'll try to put my answers in a different colored font (but if it doesn't work...don't forget I'm still a newbie when it comes to blogging).
- What was your age when you first discovered your love of yarn? What (or who) was it that introduced you to all that fibery goodness? I learned to knit when I was 9 yrs. old, but didn't stay with it too long. I made a few slippers then, that's about all though. Then when I had my first child I got a chance to join Master Yarn Council class on crocheting. At the time I didn't know how to crochet, and I was supposed to know all of the basic stitches, but I was lucky and had a very patient and caring teacher who let me join & learn anyway. So I've crocheted gifts, when I have had time for the last 20+ years. In October of 2006 I bought my first set of Knifty Knitter Round Looms and since then I have been "hooked on looming". I just love it!!!
- If you could sit down with anyone in the world to have a little knit along, who would it be? I wish I could sit with my friends and family (and my internet friends as well)! So far my friends and family that are nearby like my craft and admire my work and enjoy any gifts they might receive, but none of them have been interested enough to start learning to loom too. I think it would be fun to be able to get together with someone and loom...once a week...or once a month. Just sharing in the craft together!
- What is your favorite comfy place or position in which to work with yarn? We have a sectional couch that has a chaise lounge on one end...I like to sit with my feet up and my yarn and project all spread out.
- Like our heroin in the story below, do you ever dream about soft fuzzy goodness? Or how to do a particular technique you’d never thought of while awake? I've dreamed before that I won some contest and didn't know what my winnings were going to be. Then the next thing I knew...a bunch of people showed up in my house (like DIY network) and they made me my own craft room...all organized and stocked for my two favorite crafts...Loom Knitting and Scrapbooking! I was in seventh heaven...and all the yarn was included for any project that I had saved on my computer.
- What type of loomer/knitter/crocheter are you? Loomer -- Intermediate/ Knitter--Beginner/ Crocheter--Adv. Beginner Do you like long involved projects, or quickies full of fast satisfaction?A little of both. I love making afghans and seeing the completed project and thanks for the gift afterwards. But I also enjoy making quickies, especially when you want to make something for a friend or family, but you don't have alot of time to do it.
- Have you ever guiltily postponed dinner due to your involvement with a project? Isn't that what happens when you get involved with crafts?
- What is your ultimate goal in your yarn life? I would like to be able to give friends and family all gifts made by me at the same time....not years or months apart!
- Do you have a favorite snack you like to munch while working with yarn? If I have some...I like M & M's (plain or peanut)...yum!
- What is your all time most favorite yarn tool/accessory that you absolutely could not live without? My blue handled pick that dh bought for me in the tool section.
- What is your favorite movie? It's hard to pick a favorite...I love all kinds of movies, just watched "Last Holiday" with Queen Latifah (sp) and it's one of my favorite that she is in...showing we CAN do it...
- What is your favorite book as an adult Like movies I LOVE BOOKS! I love all kinds of mystery books: The Cat Who...books/ Cookie Mysteries/Agathe Christie, etc... …and what was yours as a child? I've always loved to read I liked many books when I was younger: Myth's about Ancient Gods/Sherlock Holmes/ Edgar Allen Poe/ Little House on the Prairie, etc...
- What are you working on right now with your yarn? Right now I'm working on Bethany's pattern for the Arm Chair Caddy, I'm about 1/2 done.
- Is there a special project that you’ve been just dying for someone (or yourself) to design? So far there is nothing else I can think of...the possibilities of all the patterns that are already are out there from Bethany, Isela, Robin, Graciea, etc... I can't keep up with what I'd like to do now! There is always a new pattern...that I want to do it too! ;o)
- Did someone invite you to join in on the party today? Bethany, herself invited me to join her party...so I didn't want to miss out! Happy Blogiversary Bethany at on your FIRST YEAR!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mother's Day has come & gone...
I got up early with my hubby and we had homemade cinnamon rolls (which I had bought at the Farmer's Market). They were delicious! ;o)
Then when my daughter got up...she wished me a "Happy Mother's Day" and offered me my cute little gift! I just love Teddy Bears! I've enjoyed looking at it...through out the day since then.
Then I got ready and went to church at Cornerstone Church in Chillicothe. They had such a nice service Sunday...besides the uplifting music in the beginning...they recognized the graduating Seniors in the church with a Bible and the Youth Pastor's wife sang a song just for them "I Hope You Dance" and Kaylee D. did a lyrical dance along with it. Stan gave such an uplifting sermon as well about "not worrying"...which I think is hard for all of us mom's not to do...can't seem to help it sometimes, it was called "Faith Mom" (you can listen to the audio if you'd like). Also they took up a special offering for those who are suffering in Myanmer for cyclone relief, you can also give online from their website if you are interested. After church I called hubby to see what I needed to do...he said, "Come home!"
So I had a nice surprise when I got home. Brian had made omelet's for lunch...I just love omelet's...with cheese, tomatoes, green onions and bacon...yum..mm..mm (making me hungry again!), plus we had a little extra crispy bacon and cottage cheese & tomatoes. After lunch my daughter picked up all the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen for me. It was so nice not to have to fix lunch, or clean it up!
I relaxed some
Later in the afternoon our son called and wished me a "Happy Mother's Day" too. Too bad he couldn't come for a visit, but maybe another time. Later that evening dear hubby took me to Applebee's for supper. I had the Shrimp 'N Parmesan Sirloin...

Now I'm starting on my third block for the afghan...I'm a little slow, but have been busy other things this week. I using black for my yarn this time, so hopefully it will show the design well...we'll just have to wait and see when I have more of it done.
Happy looming...have a good day! Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day too!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Still trying to keep up on looming projects...
This last week Isela Phelps announced her new book will be coming out soon, and you could order an advance

As you know I finally finished looming my Aspen Baguette, but until this weekend I hadn't been able to find purse handles to finish the project up. Luckily dh decided we needed to look for parts in the city...so we ended up going and spending the night. Unfortunately we called and went to several places looking for a gasket for his truck, but never was able to find the right one. At least he was able to get one on order by Monday...so as soon as he got everything back together he has been in the field trying to get caught up. But he was so nice and took me to a couple of craft stores, where I finally found some purse handles and some sock/sport weight yarn.
I've decided if I can get this pattern and liner, etc... down good---I can then make some more in different colors for friends/family for gifts. Or at least some of the other patterns I have for purses will be easier to follow, now that I've learned how to do cables.
I also finished up the 2nd block for the Afghan Project 2008. It is a basket-weave design, and really shows up well with a solid color. It is also made with the red round Knifty Knitter (31 pegs) loom, and you work the project as a flat knit, instead of working in the round.
made...it was pretty loose and I made the miI also have been making a new scarf for my daughter...since she got the first scarf I everstake of using different types of yarn together. Or maybe it just doesn't hold up well in so many washings. I'm using the pink long Knifty Knitter loom/board and doing the Ponto 1 stitch, which you can find at Analu Tear Manual. I took a picture today, I just finished one skein of the Red Heart Super Saver yarn - Zebra is the color. It is a variegated black/grays and white.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Another rainy day...
One of these days I will figure out
I also got my purse (Aspen Baguette) tightened up better on the cable stitches. Isela said I probably should've used 2 strands of the yarn instead of one...for it to have been comparable to the yarn the pattern called for. Plus we both think I should've tighten the stitches while I was working the row better. But I will tighten them, and then knot them...and since I'm going to have a liner I'll just leave them loose (since it will be covered up anyway. But I didn't get a chance to go shopping in town today, so I'll have to wait and pick up some handles maybe tomorrow and maybe some material for the liner as well.
Poor hubby may have to help me again with my sewing machine. The last time I used it...the tension was way off and we had trouble adjusting it. Plus I'm no seamstress...ask anyone in my family, they'll tell you...keep Jackie away from the sewing machine! LOL ;oP
I really need to start on my other blocks for the Project Afghan 2008, that we are doing in Loom Class. So I guess I'll leave you for now.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Finished looming my bag today...
Also it only took 1 skein of Paton Shetland Chunky Tweeds, which was 85g/3 oz (it is 72% acrylic/ 25% wool/ and 3% Viscose...approx. 123 yds.) The color I used was called Biscuit Beige (it has flecks of blue and brown in it).
Also I forgot to mention that last week when we went to the city I was able to pick up a copy of Simply Knitting (printed in England) at Barnes & Noble. So I got a free
Appreciate any hints you might have for me with my cables. Happy Looming!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Another day...
This was one of the first classes that I took when I joined Loom Class...it was wonderful...fairly easy, although I'm sure I asked several questions at the time. The teachers are also nice and patient, and when they are busy...other "student's" help each
other out!
Then I need to finish up my Aspen Baguette.....I think I'm down to knitting the last 12 rows...so hopefully it will go fairly quickly. But I think my cables look a little loose, so I need to tighten them up and then I think it would look best with a liner on the inside. So I may attempt that, or I may twist a "friends" arm that sews to make one for me! ;oD
It's another nice day today, but they are talking like it might start raining sometime later today. While I was trying to do my blog today, I watched "Hairspray" on DVD...it was pretty cute! I can't believe John Travolta played the mom. There is alot of cool music and dancing and pretty good acting too! But I would say it's more of a 'chick flick'...I really can't see hubby watching it, especially since it 'breaks' into song every so often. Oh well...I needed a little something light to watch anyway.
Well I really must get back to my looms and try to finish up some projects today. Wishing you a Happy Looming day...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Signs of Spring....
Finally seeing some signs of spring....I am soooo ready! It seems like it has been a long winter here in Missouri. I am very tired of the cold weather! I look forward to the sunshine...warm weather...and hanging out clothes and bed sheets on the line (that may seem weird, but I love the fresh smell from drying outside).
Now if I just could get in the swing of a full spring cleaning mode! But one thing I need is several days in a row, where it will be nice and warm (no rain or wind storms in the forecast). Then maybe I'd feel a little more perky...these cloudy days just don't seem to get me in the mood.
Of course dear hubby said last night that "someone" should mow the yard soon...I wonder who "someone" is???? Ha! ha!
Well...speaking of work...I probably better get busy with laundry, dishes or something! Too bad the magic cleaning fairy doesn't exist...I'd love for someone to come in a wave their magic wand...or like Samantha on Bewitched used to do...just wiggle her nose. Wouldn't that be great??? Oh well...we can dream can't we? Have a great day!
Finally found something to help rotate pictures!
Then of course I had to upload it again to my blog, and then move the picture where I wanted it. But at least it helped some.
Sometimes I think I would be better to actually make my blog in Dreamweaver and then post it that way. I don't remember having quite this much trouble putting pictures and text where I wanted them...but it's been awhile since I've used it...so I'd probably have to re-learn everything anyway. I just wanted an "easy" way to put down my thoughts and projects! So here I am!
Thanks for those who have tried to give me helpful hints...Jeannette I did have my pictures rotated in my camera, but when they uploaded from the SD card...they were back to the orginal way. Oh well...at least I found an option that works...even if it does take a little extra time. I wish blogger would just let you right click and put your image where your arrow key was...that would make it so much easier!!!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Projects I've worked on in March and April (so far)
Been a little busy with family and friends this last week...one really nice thing was dear hubby & I got to go to the city for a wedding reception for friends of ours...son! Plus got to spend the night in a nice hotel...and sleep in for a change. Much needed rest & relaxation...and the party was great!
I thought I should let you know what I have been working on most recently. The main thing that I finished up was my daughter's afghan that I made on the infinity (of S-Loom) in brown colors. I made one earlier for my son for Christmas and also entered the pattern in DA's Fall Contest. I was soooo lucky to win a $100 to spend on merchandise from Decor Accents Inc. I had so much fun figuring out what to order (and then spending some of my money too!), I ordered the prayer shawl loom, the 30" adjust-a-loom & end pieces, a new pick, two of the new books that are out "Learn To Knit Cables on Looms" and "More Knitting Wheel Fashions". But I show you those some other day!
Anyway the 1st one I made for my son I used Caron yarn One Pound (Black #503) and (Claret #562). This yarn has no dye lot and is 100% Acrylic and is Worsted Weight, 4 ply/16 oz. or 453.6g.
The 2nd one I’m making is for my daughter with the yarn from Bernat Camouflage Ombres in the color called "Outback" (it's variegated brown & tans) and then also another One Pound skein of Expresso. I used between 3-4 skeins of the Bernat yarn and 1 skein and part of another skein of the One Pound Expresso yarn. It also seems like that the 2nd one is a little bigger...I guess I must've loosened up a little more on my knitting the second time around.
Both of these afghans are over 5 foot long as you can see from the pictures and they are around 43-46 inches wide. It takes me awhile to knit these on a loom, but you got to remember that I don't just sit and loom all day...and sometimes I don't have time to loom at all for several days. So it might not take you as long to make one as it did me. ;o)
I've also started working on another prayer shawl,
Then in Loom Class at least two of the ladies are going to teach us different stitches in the next upcoming months and then towards the end of November, early December they will tell us how to put them all together. So far I have finished block #1, which was a diagonal rib block and they have started block #2, which is the basket weave block and you can also add many different embellishments to it if you'd like. You can also look at the blog that tells you all about it with links for the patterns as well. Each block is supposed to be 12" X 12" and so far we use 2 strands of yarn as one, and they are using the red round knifty knitter loom to make each block. I have also learned that I do like using the knitting charts when working on projects like this and it helps to have a magnetic board and magnifying line tracker to keep track of the rows.
I'm also working on the Aspen Baguette purse by Isela Phelps which has made me learn how to do cables! That has been a little hard since I had never done any pattern's with YO's (yarn overs) before. And for some reason my brain just kept trying to make them hard, but they are not. Luckily I’m on the DA’s eloop and asked about the stitch that I was having problems with….and thankfully Isela saw my question and was able to answer it.
This is for the 6 peg stitch cable or C3F. What I did was knitted the flat stitch, then e-wrapped the 1st peg. Then knitted the flat stitch, then e-wrapped twice on the 2nd peg, and then
repeated what I did on the 2nd peg on pegs 3-4-5 and then knitted the flat stitch and e-wrapped (once) the 6th peg (the last one), then I went ahead and did the next stitch so that the ewrap on the 6th peg would stay on…it was a purl stitch (the 7th peg with the purl stitch).
Then I went back and took each of the e-wraps off of each peg, one at a time. But I did NOT knit the ewrap stitches (I didn’t take the bottom loop over the top loop or loops). You can look at my loops, that are rather big behind the other knitted stitches, this is before you move the stitches around to make the cable.
My cables may be a little too loose, I won’t be able to tell until I’m finished. The pattern says you can adjust themIf you are on Ravelry.com you can look me up, my id there is "ilove2craft". I'm still figuring out how to use the many options on there, but I want to highly recommend their site if you like to do looming, knitting or crocheting. They have a tour that you can check out before you get signed in as a member...it's FREE! But you do have to sign up and wait for them to send you an invitation, but it usually doesn't take long...they even have a place you can check to see how long you might have to wait.
Well...it's getting late and I need to finish up for today. Wishing you all "Happy Looming"!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sharing a little of my first experiences with looming...

Today I will show you some of my looms and tools that I use. The first set that I bought was the Knifty Knitter's (the round set). Shortly after that I acquired the spool loom (the small pink one) and also the flower loom (which does have removable pegs). Of the Knifty Knitter's the first set has the small blue loom (this has 24 pegs), the next one in the set is the red loom (this has 31 pegs), the next one is the green loom (which has 36 pegs) and then finally the last one in the set is the yellow loom (which has 41 pegs). These are all in what they call the regular gauge, which mostly uses 2 strands of worsted weight yarn when making items.
I also found out there was a DVD available online from americanknitter.com, it is called "Round Loom Knitting", which I ordered. It helped alot when I started, because I could actually "see" how the stitches were done, how she worked her pick, etc... I guess you could say I'm more of a visual learner when it comes to this craft.
I still haven't done lessons 3 & 4, but it is on my to-do-list! You will be amazed of how many patterns & projects are out there for you to make! Plus the many different ways of doing them too. And not only that there are some very talented ladies out there...who come up with all of these ideas. It seems to me they must have several hands attached...because they are always making something new!
The first few items I made on the loom were hats! Some with a brim and some without, some were knitted 1 over 1 while others were 2 over 1. Then with hats I used various yarns: variegated, solid, and eyelash yarn. After making several hats I had to make scarves to go with some of them...using various patterns and colors. I also attempted leg warmers, but could never quite get the size and yarn to work out for the person I was making them for.
Before l
I just loved doing the class! You signed up for the class, downloaded your pattern for the item, got your supplies ready and started your project. If you had a question about how to do a stitch, or anything else related to the project you could just ask. Typing your post and then sending it to the group you would receive all kinds of help...either from the author of the pattern, or teacher, or other loomers. It was a fun learning experience, and I ended up with a beautiful handcraft gift as well as the experience to make more.
The first book that I would recommend is Loom Knitting Primer by Isela Phelps, besides having 30 different fun projects to do, it has very good illustrations & directions. Lots of pictures and drawings and also charts. Plus towards the back it tells you a little about board knitting as well and as some felting projects too.
Well, that's all for today...hope this helps you a little if you are just getting started. Check out the links on the side for the different Yahoo groups and some of the websites of the vendors that I have either used myself, or they have come highly recommended. Be care...it can be an addiction...you want more looms, more yarn, more, more, more... ha! ha!
Another good place to go is
Well...that's it for today! Happy Looming and God Bless...hope you have caught the looming bug!
PS: Sorry for the sideways pictures...I guess I will have to tweak them ahead of time and save them after I've rotated them. I couldn't figure out how to do it any other way in blogger.